Surprise and Delight

“Surprise and Delight” was one of the mantras we got trained on at Starbucks. The way Starbucks sees the concept, it was about doing what you needed to in order to exceed customer expectations — remaking drinks to make sure customers were happy, handing out samples, etc. When it’s done right, it’s a great way of building customer loyalty.

Someone over at wine.woot must have been paying attention, because today I checked my mailbox and found an envelope containing a bumper sticker and a little card that invited me to send them a photo of the bumper sticker in use to get even more “cool stuff”.

I’m at best a casual wine.woot customer. I’ve only bought from them twice. So I was definitely surprised to find a gift from wine.woot in my mail. And you know what? It worked. I certainly would have bought from them again, but I’m definitely going to be more diligent about checking the site regularly for their latest offering. I’ll probably put the sticker up somewhere; maybe on my car, maybe even on my laptop. And I’m blogging about the whole thing to boot.

Multiply that out by all the other customers woot sent this to, and for the price of a run of bumper stickers and some postage, that’s pretty good marketing. And good for customer loyalty too.

Bravo, wine.woot. Well played.

3 thoughts on “Surprise and Delight”

  1. I’d opt for the laptop.

    There’s just something about slapping a bumper sticker on your car that screams, “Hey officer, I drink!” that seems… unwise 🙂

  2. Stick it to the front door of the Townsend building 🙂 That should impres Woot and Adobe!

  3. @Charlie — good point but it doesn’t look all that much better taking a laptop like that into meetings. 🙂 Especially when it’s a company laptop.

    @TJ — hehe. Tempting.

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