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Weekend Cat Blogging

I haven't had the chance to do much cat blogging these past few weeks. Here's a shot of all 3 of the boys together on the futon couch:

You may notice that Bear's coloring is changing. He's developped a grey ruff around his neck. Originally he had some hints of orange, but no grey. It will be interesting to see how much more his coat will change as he grows.


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» Friday Ark #59 from Modulator
We'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and....?Alert: Comments ... [Read More]

Comments (3)

Aww, nice group shot.

Bear's grey ruff is cute. ;)

serial catowner:

We adopted a fluffy white kitten, who I thought would become a roundish long-haired cat, so we named her PB, for Puffball. As it turns out, she's a finelimbed near relative to a purebred Siamese, and, perhaps needless to say, shorthaired. Her 'points' are just nascent, giving her the appearance of the dog Spot in the old Our Gang comedies.


The Our Gang dog was Petey, who was actually a female pitbull with a brown saddle-shaped spot on her back, and a circle painted around one eye.

We thought Bear was going to be a longhair due to the very fine texture of his fur and the tufts of hair coming out of his ears. Turns out that he's a shorthair. Oh, and Siamese points are nearly invisible on the purebred kittens. Bear has dark points on his face and lower legs, but you can't tell unless you look closely at him.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 5, 2005 11:19 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Seen At Costco.

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