2013 Hasn’t Been a Blogging Year

It’s the end of February and my last post was in 2012. This is one of the longest dry spells I’ve had on the blog.

There are a few posts rolling around in my head; making the time to type them out has been the challenge. In the meantime, though, the cherry trees are blooming on my block and here’s one of them:

2013 Cherry Blossoms

Is It Time For An Upgrade?

How do you know when it’s time for a new camera, versus simply having a case of Nikon Acquisition Syndrome?

After 4 years with the D40, I think it might really be time for an upgrade. More and more I find myself getting frustrated with the D40 and even reaching for my Lumix when I want to shoot something.

I can still get shots like this:

First cherry blosoms of the season

But I’m finding myself fighting with the camera more to make it do what I want. It seems to me that I shouldn’t have to struggle so hard with a camera I’ve had for 4 years; if the equipment is getting in the way, that’s a problem.

So all in all, I think it’s time for an upgrade. The D5100 is looking pretty good to me.

Or do I just have a case of NAS? When do you know it’s time for an upgrade?

Welcome to November

Autumn Leaf

It’s that time of year when the weather abruptly turns cooler, I need to clear the fallen leaves off the patio at least once a week, the rain comes back, and I know I’ll be driving home from work in the dark for the next 4 months.

Kind of depressing, really.

On the bright side, I did get a nice shot of this colorful leaf today before the rain hit.