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Say It Isn't So....

This sounds like a joke, but I found it on cbs5.com, so I'm assuming it's legit.

A California judge says an Oakland carpenter caught hammering nails and sawing wood in the nude can legally work without wearing any clothes.

Alameda County Superior Court Judge Julie Conger found Percy Honniball not guilty of indecent exposure Thursday. The 51-year-old was arrested last year after the he was spotted building cabinets in the buff at a home where he had been hired to work .

Conger ruled that although Honniball was indeed naked he was not acting lewdly or seeking sexual gratification.

The carpenter has said he likes to work in the nude because it's more comfortable and helps him keep his clothes clean.


Comments (1)

I call shenanigans on this one. He's either a nudist or a closet perv. You don't do carpenty naked because it's comfortable; sawdust in areas where it doesn't belong, not to mention splinters and other hazards. How comfortable does he think it would be to have his schwantz attached to a cabinet door with a nailgun?

The clothing claim is BS, too. That's why they're called WORK CLOTHES.

My money is on him not having a chance to get himself off before he got caught.

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