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No, You're Not

Could someone explain to me how a Catholic follower of Kabbalah would have the unmitigated gall to declare herself an "ambassador for Judaism" when on a trip to Israel?

By way of the Huffington Post:

Madonna toasted the Jewish new year with Israeli President Shimon Peres and declared herself an "ambassador for Judaism," local newspapers reported Sunday.

The singer, who is not Jewish, arrived in Israel Wednesday on the eve of Jewish new year to attend a conference on Kabbalah or Jewish mysticism.

Madonna met Peres at his official Jerusalem residence on Saturday evening and the two exchanged gifts, with Madonna receiving a lavishly bound copy of the Old Testament.

Oh, of course, it's a superstar diva with entitlement issues. Carry on, then.

Comments (1)


What a sad thing. From the link you posted, it sounds like Kabbalah (as practiced by Madonna, et al) is a strange perversion of Judaism. Wouldn't wearing symbols for happiness, etc. be idolatry?

It really irks me when the press gives so much attention to people with no theological credentials and treats their mutterings as inspired. I really wish they would just shut up ... and that applies to my faith too.

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