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This is Cool

According to the WaPo:

The Smithsonian Institution is entering the highly competitive world of music downloads by offering the Smithsonian Folkways collection of ethnic and traditional music in an online music store.


The Web site, www.smithsonianglobalsound.org, will allow searches by artist, geographic location, language, cultural group or instrument. All of the Folkways archives, including photographs, can be downloaded onto a screen. Also in development are scrolling translations of some of the music for use on a personal computer.

I'm looking forward to checking out their offerings.

Comments (1)

serial catowner:

It'll just make you weep to see your favorite LPs now available on CD. Younger viewers will find this to be a mother lode of recordings without the angst. Thank heavens the Folkways catalogue is still available, as it is still the best source for much of this music.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 1, 2005 11:08 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Friday Cat Blogging: Happy Birthday Edition.

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